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Book an Appointment for Help at
Use the location dropdown to specify where the appointment will take place. Selecting a different location will reload the appointment dates and times that are available to be booked.

Make an appointment in 3 steps. Step 1: Select a staff member. Step 2: Select an available date. Step 3: Select an available timeslot.

Book an Appointment for Research Help with a Librarian at Camosun

Librarians can help you:

* brainstorm search terms  * develop research strategies * learn to navigate library databases  * evaluate and cite your sources

No appointment times listed below?

*  Drop in In-person at the library on both Campuses: Monday-Friday, 11 am to 3 pm (approximately)

*  Online through AskAway Chat (hours)

* Email us, and we can try to find another time (

Personal information collected by this form is subject to the college’s Protection of Privacy policy.  For more information regarding the collection and use of your personal information contact Director, Learning Services