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APA Citation Style overview

APA Citation Style overview Online

What does your instructor mean when they ask you to use APA citation? Are you unclear about how to add a citation to the text of your paper? How is the Reference list different? Or is it? Even if you've used this citation style before, you may still have questions about the new edtion. We're here to help. We'll go over the basics with time for questions at the end.

Related LibGuide: APA Citation Style (7th edition) by Patricia Scott

Monday, September 27, 2021
11:00am - 11:45am
Time Zone:
Pacific Time - US & Canada (change)
This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.
REGISTRATION FOR THIS EVENT HAS CLOSED. Please see Calendar for other available times.

This session is open to all Camosun students. Our web conferencing tool works best in Chrome (no downloads required!).

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Margie Clarke

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